Introduction to Biology – Online MCQs Test – Biology 9th

Class 9th | Biology | Chapter 01 | Introduction to Biology | Online MCQs Test

Introduction to Biology – Online MCQs Test – Biology 9th Notes – Sindh Board


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Chap 01 - Introduction to Biology - Biology 9th

Science Group - Sindh Board

1 / 25

1. The study of internal parts of body of living organisms is called:

2 / 25

2. 'AI-Wahoosh’ and 'Khalaqul lnsan’ were written by:

3 / 25

3. The study of organic molecule is called:

4 / 25

4. The study of animals is called:

5 / 25

5. 'Al-Ibil’ is about:

6 / 25

6. The study of structure and functions of tissue is called:

7 / 25

7. The study about techniques for manipulation of gene to achieve desirable characters is called:

8 / 25

8. The study of inheritance deals in:

9 / 25

9. It deals with manipulation of gene to produce valuable chemical products.

10 / 25

10. The study of parasites is called:

11 / 25

11. He is considered as the founder of medicine.

12 / 25

12. The study of formation and development of embryo is called:

13 / 25

13. Books 'AI-Kheil’, 'Al-lbil’ and 'AI-Shat’ were written by:

14 / 25

14. The study of plants is called:

15 / 25

15. Radio-labeling and carbon-dating are used in determining the age of:

16 / 25

16. The study about action of drugs deals in:

17 / 25

17. Books 'AI-Nabatiat’ and 'AI-Haywan’ were written by:

18 / 25

18. The study of microscopic organisms is called:

19 / 25

19. The study of social behaviour of living organism deals in:

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20. The study of environment deals in:

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21. The book 'Al-Kheil’ is about:

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22. The study of the rules, principles, grouping and naming the living organisms is called:

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23. The study about functions of living organisms is called:

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24. The study of external form and structure of organisms is called:

25 / 25

25. The book 'AI-Wahoosh’ is about:

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