MDCAT Biology – Chap#1 Biodiversity (acellular life/ variety of life)

Biodiversity is the first chapter of MDCAT Biology it contains following topics:

  • Classification of viruses
  • Discovery of viruses
  • Structure of viruses
  • Viral disease (for example AIDS)


Biodiversity classifies that the life variations of genes and species on earth. The variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life.

Classification of viruses

Viruses are classified as bacterial, plant and animal. They are also classified according to genetic material present like DNA or RNA viruses, presence or absence of envelope.

Discovery of viruses

Viruses were first discovered after the development of a porcelain filter. In 1884, Charles Chamberland found out that the agent responsible for rabies passes through the porcelain filter. In 1892, Ivanowski discovered that the agent responsible for Tobacco mosaic disease does not pass thorough the filter and that bacteria-free filtrate could still cause the disease. In 1935, Stanley purified filterable agents and was successful in crystallizing tobacco mosaic virus and found out that they contained only proteins and nucleic acid.

Structure of viruses

  • Bacteriophage body consists of the head and tail.
  • The head is called capsid. It is made of proteins. Within the head, the genetic material is present in the form of nucleic acid. In case of bacteriophage, it is double stranded DNA.
  • The tail consists of collar, sheath, endplate, and tail fibers.
  • Base endplates have spikes through which the virus attaches to the host body.
  • Tail contracts and penetrates the host cell. Nucleic acid is injected into the body by travelling through the tail.

Viral disease (for example AIDS)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The late stage of the condition leaves individuals prone to opportunistic infections and tumors. Although treatments for AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus’s progression, there is no known cure.

Mode of transmission:

HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-seminal fluid, and breast milk. Sweat, saliva, and urine do not contain HIV.

Online MCQs Test of Biodiversity (Acellular / Variety of Life)


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MDCAT Biology - Chapter 01 - Biodiversity

This test consist of 30 questions, randomly selected from chapter 1 related to following topics:-

Introduction to Biodiversity

Classification of viruses

Discovery of viruses

Structure of viruses

Viral disease (for example AIDS)

Mode of transmission (AIDS):

1 / 30

1. Largest unit of classification is

2 / 30

2. Last part of biological name is the name of

3 / 30

3. Prophage is to _________ viruses, as provirus is to _______ viruses:

4 / 30

4. Which of the following statements does not hold good for the viruses

5 / 30

5. is a symbol for solidarity with AIDS patients:

6 / 30

6. One of the living symbols of virus is

7 / 30

7. HIV was first identified in:

8 / 30

8. Structure absent in naked virus is

9 / 30

9. An HIV particle is around:

10 / 30

10. Viruses are:

11 / 30

11. The genetic material in viruses is

12 / 30

12. The number of genes in a bacteriophage genome vary from:

13 / 30

13. Virus for smallpox are

14 / 30

14. Protective sheath in virus is called

15 / 30

15. Herpes simplex occurs in

16 / 30

16. Which one of the following is the most common pathogenic steam?

17 / 30

17. HIV is roughly spherical, about:

18 / 30

18. Bacteriophage are similar to fungi:

19 / 30

19. Bacteriophage for their reproduction use the biosynthetic machinery of:

20 / 30

20. All of the following forms of hepatitis are caused by RNA virus except:

21 / 30

21. Largest unit of classification is

22 / 30

22. Which of the following will survive if boiled in a test tube at 100°C

23 / 30

23. ____ is a symbol for solidarity with AIDS patients:

24 / 30

24. The most frequent cause of HIV transmission is:

25 / 30

25. Which one of the following is the most common pathogenic steam?

26 / 30

26. Viruses can be stored in much the same way as:

27 / 30

27. The first crystallized virus was:

28 / 30

28. Shape of virion is maintained by

29 / 30

29. A complete, mature and infectious virus is termed as

30 / 30

30. Chronic liver diseases are resulted due to

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The average score is 49%


Preparation of Multiple Choice Questions of Biodiversity (Acellular / Variety of Life)


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