MDCAT Biology – Chap#3 Biological Molecules

  • Majority of biochemicals have C, H, O, N, P and S as a basic elements.
  • The molecule containing both carbon and hydrogen in which carbon is bonded covalently to hydrogen atoms is called an organic molecule.
  • Macromolecule is a very large molecule made up of smaller molecules linked together by covalent bonds.
  • Proteins, carbohydrates (polysaccharides), lipids and nucleic acids are included in macromolecules.
  • Polymers are long chain macromolecules consisting of repeating units (monomers) linked via covalent bonds.
  • Monomers are linked through covalent bonding in a polymer. The covalent linkage in a macromolecule is named as under.
    • Glycosidic bond (C − C): Covalent bond between two monosaccharides
    • Peptide or Amide bond (C − N): Covalent bond between two amino acids.
    • Ester bond (C − O); Covalent bond between carboxylic acid and alcohol in a lipid.


Best solvent.
High heat capacity
High head of vaporization
Amphotericity refers to good buffering activity
Strong cohesive and adhesive properties
Can form four strong covalent bonds with other elements.
Can form basic skeleton of variety of organic compounds.


  • Most abundant compound in a cell is protein.
  • Proteins are classified as
    • Fibrous proteins: They are polypeptide chains in the form of fibrils. They constitute structural proteins in organisms. E.g. silk fiber, myosin, fibrin (of blood clot) Keratin (hair & nails).
    • Globular proteins: They are folded polypeptide chains having tertiary structural level of proteins. The are soluble in water and constitute functional proteins in organisms. E.g. enzymes, antibodies, hormones and hemoglobin.


  • Primary structure: Refers to linear sequencing of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. E.g. Insulin.
  • Secondary structure: Refers to coiling of a polypeptide chain in -helix or -pleated manner. E.g. Silk.
  • Tertiary structure: Super coiling of a polypeptide chain in 3D form. E.g. Myoglobin.
  • Quaternary structure: 3D shape of a protein consisting of two or more polypeptide chains, E.g. Hemoglobin.


Peptide bond is present at all structural levels.

Peptide bond
Hydrogen bond
Sulphide bonds
Peptide bonds
Ionic bonds
Hydrogen bonds
Disulphide bonds
Peptide bond
Ionic bond
Hydrogen bond
Hydrophobic interaction


  • When unfolding of protein occurs it denatures. It could be reversible or irreversible


  • Classified according to the number of unit sugars.
  • Monosaccharides: single unit sugars, soluble in water and non hydrolysable. Categorized according to the number of carbon atoms, Starts from triose upto heptose having general formula (CH2O)n.
    • Ribofuranose is a five cornered ring whereas glucopyranose is a six cornered ring.
    • They could be aldehyde or ketone.
  • Oligosaccharides: Contain 2 – 10 monosaccharide units. Disaccharide contains 2 units. Other intermediates from 3 – 10 units are known as dextrin. (c)        Polysaccharides: polymer of monosaccharides (mainly hexose). Insoluble in aqueous medium. Storage polysaccharides. Include starch (in plants) and glycogen (In animals). Structural polysaccharide mainly include cellulose (plants), chitin (insects).


  • Triglycerides / Acylglycerol / Fats and oils / Triacylglycerol.
    • 1 Glycerol chain + 3 fatty acids.
    • In oils, fatty acids are unsaturated i.e. having double bonds. Oils are mainly produced by plants e.g. Iinolein in cotton seeds.
    • They contain twice the amount of energy as in carbohydrates .
    • Fats are mainly produced by animals e.g. stearin in beef and mutton.
  • Waxes:
    • One fatty acid + a long chain alcohol. E.g. Bee’s wax CH3 (CH2)4COO(CH)29 CH3.
  • Terpenoids: are terpenes like compounds consisting of repeating units called isoprenoid units(C5H8)
    • (a)       Terpenes: consists of only isoprenoid units. Many are volatile and have fragrance. They are used in synthesis of latex (rubber), Vitamin A, etc. present in many plant oils i.e. Menthol, rose, lemon etc.
    • (b)       Steroids: have common skeleton of steroid nucleus (4 rings; 3 with 6 – C and one with 5 – C). Remaining structure varies in different steroids. E.g. cholesterol, sex hormonestestosterone, progesterone, estrogens.
    • (c)        Carotenoids: are plant pigments which produce red, orange, yellow, etc, colors Consist of hydrocarbons with two 6 carbon rings one at each chain.
  • Phospholipids:
    • 1 glycerol + 2 fatty acids + 1 PO4 group.
    • Constituent of cellular membranes, etc.


WaterSolvent, transport medium for dissolved materials and heat, cooling through evaporation.
Carbohydrates  Energy source; some structural role when attached to lipids or proteins; energy storage.
LipidsEnergy source; energy storage; insulations, structural components; chemical signaling; physical protection.
ProteinsCatalysts for metabolic reactions; structural components, movement; transport; buffers; defense; control and coordination of activities.
Nucleic acidsStorage and processing of information.

NUCLEIC ACIDS: (Polynucleotides)

Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides. Nucleotides consist of a nitrogenous base, pentose sugar and a phosphate group. Nucleic acids can be denoted as (Base + sugar + phosphate)n.

  • If a phosphate group is removed then it becomes nucleoside.
  • Sugar component can be ribose or deoxyribose.
  • Nitrogenous bases can be pyrimidines (single ringed) or purines (double ringed)
  • Nucleosides are named as under
Adenine + Ribose =Adenosine.Adenine + deoxyribose = d-Adenosine.
Uracil + Ribose = Uridine.Thymine + deoxyribose = d-Thymidine.
Guanine + Ribose = Guanosine.Guanine + deoxyribose = d-Guanosine.
Cytosine + Ribose = Cytidine.Cytosine + deoxyribose = d-Cytidine.
  • If we add a phosphate group to above nucleosides then it would called as a Nucleotide.
  • AMP, d-AMP, ADP, d-ADP, etc are mononucleotides.
  • Nicotine amide dinucleotide phosphate (NAD) is a dinucleotide.
  • Ribonucleic Acids i.e. m-RNA, r-RNA, t-RNA and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are polynucleotides.

Note: Thymine is a nitrogenous base whereas thiamine is a vitamin.

  • Cytosine is a nitrogenous base whereas Adenosine and guanosine are ribose sugar.

Conjugated Molecules:

1.   Glycoproteins (Mucoids)

Carbohydrate + Proteins. e.g. egg albumin, cellular secretions (some hormones like gonadotrophic hormone. etc), component of cell membrane, etc.

2.   Glycolipids / cerebrosides.

Lipids + carbohydrates + others.

e.g. component of brain tissue, sulpholipids of chloroplast, etc are examples of glycolipids.

3.   Nucleoproteins:

Nucleic acids + proteins.

e.g. chromosomes i.e. DNA + histone proteins.

4.   Lipoproteins:

Lipids + proteins.

Mainly lipids are lecithin / cholesterol They form all the cellular membranes of cell and organelles. They also act as transporter of lipids and fatly acids in blood. e.g. Myeline sheath, membranes of bacteria, LDL, etc.

5.   Fibrons Protein:

Fibre or elongated in shape, H2O insoluble compounds. e.g. Action & myosin

6.   Globular Protein:

Globules or spherical in shape, H2O soluble compounds e.g. lysozyme & other enzymes.


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MDCAT Biology - Chapter 03 - Biological Molecules

This test consist of 30 questions, randomly selected from chapter 3 related to following topics:-

Introduction to biological molecules





Conjugated molecules (glycolipids, glycoproteins)

1 / 30

1. Which one of the following is also known as fungal cellulose?

2 / 30

2. has an un-branched structure and its monomers are linked together by 9-1, 4-glycosidic linkages:

3 / 30

3. The word carbohydrate literally means:

4 / 30

4. Three nucleotide sequence on tRNA that specifies an amino acid is:

5 / 30

5. The proteins, which regulate metabolic activities are:

6 / 30

6. In plants ____________ is also called transport disaccharide as prepared food in plants is transported in the form of sucrose:

7 / 30

7. The body of ribosomes is formed by:

8 / 30

8. Among the energy values or nutrients, 9.1 calories is that of

9 / 30

9. Which one of the following is derived from phosphatidic acid?

10 / 30

10. These electrophilic groups make covalent bonds with amino acid side chains:

11 / 30

11. Pick up the terpenoid:

12 / 30

12. Mostly the enzymes are potentially damaging:

13 / 30

13. Activation energy is denoted by:

14 / 30

14. During strenuous exercise glucose is converted into

15 / 30

15. Which level of organization of a hemoglobin molecule is coded by a DNA molecule?

16 / 30

16. The 'R' for glycine is:

17 / 30

17. In a phospholipid molecule phosphoric acid is attached to the carbon number _________ of glycerol:

18 / 30

18. Starch, glycogen and cellulose yield _______ on complete hydrolysis:

19 / 30

19. According to Emil Fischer:

20 / 30

20. Following are the condensation products of polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone subunits, EXCEPT:

21 / 30

21. The heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acid is called:

22 / 30

22. Which of the following constitute large organic molecules?

23 / 30

23. To make a peptide bond one amino acid loses ______ and _______ other loses

24 / 30

24. Pick up homopolysaccharide:

25 / 30

25. More than ________ types of proteins have been discovered from human body, which are made up of _____________ types of amino acids:

26 / 30

26. Glycosidic link is broken in digestion of

27 / 30

27. Protoplasm cannot survive if its water content is reduced as low as:

28 / 30

28. Animal fats have:

29 / 30

29. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

30 / 30

30. Pick up the correct statement:

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