Diversity among Animals – Chap 6 – Biology MDCAT


  • Cavity formed by splitting of mesoderm and is lined by mesoderm is called coelom.
  • Animals having coelom are coelomates. E.g. animals form annelids to chordate
  • Coelenterates / cnidirians are primarily radially symmetrical whereas echinoderm mates are secondarily radially symmetrical.
  • Platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes (nematodedes) are tnploblastic but are not coelomates. i.e. Acoelomates and pseudocoelomales respectively.
  1. Phylum Porifera (Sponges):
    • Tissue and organs are absent. Most primitive animals.
    • Canal system is present. Ostiaare incurrent and oscula are ex-current pores.
    • E.g. Ascon, spongilla (freshwater), Sycon, Bathsponge.
  2. Phylum Cnidiria (Coelenterata)
    • Organs absent. Tissue grade of organization.
    • Cnidocytes are cells containing stinging capsules called nematocysts.
    • Neurons form a nerve net.
    • Polymorphism. Physaha is a polymorphic colony having 3 types of zooids.
    • Alternation of generations takes place between asexual (polyp) stage and sexual (medusa) stage.
    • E.g. hydra. sea anemone, corals are palyps. Physalia, jellyfish are medusa.
  3. Phylum Platyhelinthes
    • Dorsoventrally flattened.
    • Protonephridia (flame cells) are excretory organs.
    • Tape worm (Taenia) is digenic having human and either pig or cattle as hosts. Liver fluke (fasciola hepatica) is also a digenic parasite having hosts cattle and water snail.
  4. Phylum Nemathelminthes (Nematoda- Round worms):
    • Sexes are separate. Sexually dimorphic.
    • Alimentary canal with mouth and anus.
    • Almost all members are parasites.
    • E.g. ascaris. hook worms, filanal worms. thread worms etc.
  5. Phylum Annelida (Segmented worms):
    • Metamerically segmented. Setae are present on parapodin in neries. Leech is without setae whereas in earthworm it is directly attached to body wall.
    • Blood vascular system is closed type. Hemoglobin is freely present in plasma,
    • Nereis is unisexual and marine.
    • Earthworm and leech are hermaphrodite.
  6. Phylum Arthropoda (Jointed legs):
    • The Largest phylum. 80% of all known species belong to this phylum.
    • Chitinious exoskeleton is present. Open type blood vascular svstem. Body cavity is called haemocoel. Containing color less blood called haemolymph Hb absent.
    • Class insecta have three pairs of walking legs. Apterygota or pterygota are two groups of this class.
    • Class crustacea have 5 pairs of legs. e.g. crabs, prawns, lobsters. Sacculina is parasite.
    • Merostomata are marine, mouth is surrounded by plates. Limulus (king crab) is considered as living fossil.
    • Arachnida have 4 pairs of legs, poisonous. antennae are absent. Silk glands are present in spider, secrete silk threads to form nests and webs. Include scorpions, ticks, mites, etc.
    • Myriapoda have many pairs of walking legs. e.g. centipedes and millipedes.
  7. Phylum Mollusca (Soft bodied) Unsegmented:
    • Mantle is glandular membranous covering which secretes shell.
    • Single ventral muscular foot present which is modified in sepia and octopus as oral arms.
    • Nautilus has external shell, sepia and squids have internal shell. Octopus has no shell.
    • Pila and other snails are asymmetrical due to torsion. Unia and oysters have bivalve shells.
    • Ranula is a rasping tongue like structure with horny teeth in many molluscs.
  8. Phylum Echinodrmata (Spiny Skinned):
    • Larva Bipinnaria is bilaterally symmetrical.
    • Exclusively marine. Water vascular system is present. Tube feet are part of water vascular system and are also used in locomotion.
    • Skeleton of hard calcareous plates and spines is present.

Phylum Chordata:

  • Class Pisces.
    • Gills, paired fins and dermal scales are present.
    • Single circuit circulation.
    • Osteichthyes are bony fishes having terminal mouth and operculum; Ctenoid I cycloid scales are present. e.g. Eel, sea horse, flying fish, etc.
    • Chondirichthyes are cartilaginous fishes having ventral mouth and placoid scales.
    • Includes marine fishes like sharks and rays, etc.
    • Torpedo is an electric ray.
    • A small group of bony fishes having gills and lungs is known as dipnoi (lung fishes).
    • Protopterus is an African lung fish.
  • Class Amphibia:
    • Evolved from lobe finned fishes (Rhipidistian).
    • Respiratory skin, exoskeleton is absent.
    • In Caecilians pentadactyl limbs are absent.
    • Digits are without claws.
    • Heart is 3 chambered. Double circuit circulation.
    • E.g. frogs and toads are tailless, salamanders are lizard like tailed amphibians. Blind worms (Caecilians) are legless amphibians.
  • Class Reptilia:
    • Pendactyl limbs are present having digits with claws. Snakes are legless.
    • Respiration is exclusively terrestrial takes place by lungs.
    • Heart is incompletely four cnambered except crocodile.
    • Exoskeleton consists of epidermal scales. Bony shell or scales may also be present.
  • Class Aves (Birds):
    • Birds are glorified reptiles.
    • Lungs and air sacs present. Syrinx is voice box.
    • Many bones are pneumatic and have air spaces.
    • Exoskeleton consists of feathers. Scales present on legs.
    • Wings are modified forelimbs. Beak without teeth is present.
    • Ratitaeare running birds having sternum without keel. e.g. kiwi, Ostrich, emu, Cassowary, etc.
    • Carinatae are flying birds having sternum with keel e.g. sparrows, crow, etc.
  • Class Mammalia:
    • Mammary glands, hair, sweat and sebaceous glands are present.
    • Pinna or external ear is present, except in prototheria.
  • Important Definition
    • Non nucleated RBCs are present.
    • Hairs are limited to whiskers in whales and dolphins.
    • All are viviparous except prototheria.
    • Prototheria are egg laying mammals e.g. echidna and duck bill platypus.
    • Metatheria are pouched mammals e.g. wombats, kangaroo, opossums, koala bears.
    • Eutheria: The fetus is nourished from the blood of mother via placenta. e.g. hedgehog horse, lions, whale, bats. etc.
    • Markhor (wild goat) is national animal of Pakistan.

Online MCQs Test of Diversity among Animals


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MDCAT Biology - Chapter 6 - Diversity among Animals

This test consist of 30 questions, randomly selected from chapter 6 related to following topics:-

Characteristics and diversity among the animals (animal phyla, characteristics)

1 / 30

1. Closed circulatory system occurs in

2 / 30

2. In contrast to Annelids and the Platyhelminthes show

3 / 30

3. Feeding in sponges takes place through

4 / 30

4. The flatworm which lacks digestive system is:

5 / 30

5. The annelids are commonly called as:

6 / 30

6. Radial symmetry is often exhibited by animals having

7 / 30

7. Filariasis is caused by

8 / 30

8. One of the special characters of coelenterata is the occurrence of

9 / 30

9. Trochophore larva occurs in

10 / 30

10. Nephridia of earthworm are analogous to

11 / 30

11. The intermediate host is pig or cattle for:

12 / 30

12. Animals devoid of respiratory, excretory and circulatory organs belong to phylum

13 / 30

13. Coelom, bilateral symmetry and triploblastic organization are present in:

14 / 30

14. Tube feet are the characteristic structures of

15 / 30

15. The most important distinctive character of chordata is the presence of

16 / 30

16. Bipinnaria is the larva of

17 / 30

17. Arthropods are variable structurally. Some ae worm like _________, while the others are flying ____________:

18 / 30

18. Locomotory organs in Taenia are called

19 / 30

19. Spiders and scorpions are included in class

20 / 30

20. Animals devoid of respiratory, excretory and circulatory organs are

21 / 30

21. The only diploblastic phylum of Kingdom animalia is:

22 / 30

22. The exoskeleton of coelenterates is made up of:

23 / 30

23. Platyhelminthes have:

24 / 30

24. Haemocoel is found in

25 / 30

25. Which of the following animals has a nervous system but no brain?

26 / 30

26. It can be source of tapeworrn

27 / 30

27. For completing its life cycle, tapeworm requires (Intermediate host of Tapeworm is)

28 / 30

28. Filariasis, malaria. dengue, sleeping sickness and yellow fever are due to

29 / 30

29. Organisms attached to substratum generally Possesses

30 / 30

30. Budding is a normal mode of asexual reproduction in

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